Terms and conditions

– for the integration of job boards

This terms and conditions has been translated. The legally binding terms and conditions is written in German and can be found here.

  1. 1.Area of application, deviating terms and conditions
  2. 1.1.Scope of application: Slindo GmbH, Rather Str. 25, 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany (hereinafter "we" or "us") markets the "Jobboard.one" platform (hereinafter "Jobboard" or "platform"), on which job offers (hereinafter "advertisements") of third parties (hereinafter "third parties") are advertised, via partners who operate a thematically suitable website and wish to integrate the platform on their website. These Terms and Conditions govern the legal relationship between us and the relevant website partners (hereinafter referred to as "Affiliate(s)" or "you" or "you").
  3. 1.2.These General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to business transactions with entrepreneurs in the sense of § 14 BGB.
  4. 1.3.Any terms and conditions of the tipster which deviate from and/or exceed these General Terms and Conditions shall not form part of the contract.
  5. 2.Subject of the contract
  6. 2.1.Jobboard at Subdomain of Affiliate: Slindo GmbH will provide the Affiliate with one or more versions of the Job Board(s) for the Affiliate's website under one subdomain (or under several different subdomains for different Affiliate websites) that can be customized by the Affiliate to a certain extent. However, the job board(s) is/are legally always a separate presence of Slindo GmbH, not the Affiliate. Accordingly, the job board(s) is/are provided with its own imprint, privacy policy, and Slindo GmbH's own terms and conditions. Through the job board(s), Slindo GmbH will enter into agreements in its own name and for its own account to place ads with job providers who wish to make their ads available through the affiliate's website, and Slindo GmbH will collect their payments.
  7. 2.2.Individualization via the Jobboard app: The Affiliate determines the advertisement prices and the running times of the advertisements for the job board(s) on the subdomain(s) assigned to him via an app provided by us. Using this app, the Affiliate can also individualise the design of the Job Board(s) in question to a certain extent. The App also provides the Affiliate with evaluations of advertisements placed on his job board(s).
  8. 3.Conclusion of contract
  9. 3.1.Only the order of the service by you is a binding offer to conclude a corresponding contract. To place the order, you go through the ordering process on our website (registration) and enter the information requested there. Before sending the order, you have the opportunity to check all order data once again and to correct it if necessary. Only after sending the order do you submit a binding offer to us to conclude a contract.
  10. 3.2.We can accept your offer within five days by sending an order confirmation by post, fax or e-mail; the date of receipt of our order confirmation by you is decisive for compliance with the deadline.
  11. 4.Obligations of the Affiliate for the integration of the job board(s)
  12. 4.1.The Affiliate shall integrate the Job Board(s) as it is in the Job Board App or as intended and shall not make any other changes to it.
  13. 4.2.The Affiliate shall immediately inform us of the Internet address of the website on which the job board(s) is/are integrated at any time upon request.
  14. 5.Indemnification obligation
  15. 5.1.The Affiliate is responsible for ensuring that its website, via which the job board is integrated, and in particular any advertising or other form of address in connection with the integration of the job board by the Affiliate, does not violate any laws or (copyright, trademark, design, name, personal and/or other) rights of third parties. The Affiliate shall inform us immediately as soon as he/she becomes aware of such a violation or third parties assert claims due to such a violation and shall hold us harmless from corresponding claims of third parties.
  16. 6.Compensation
  17. 6.1.Operations subject to payment and basis for payment: The Affiliate will receive a share of 80% of all net revenues from ad bookings made on the job board(s) under the sub-domain assigned to him/her during the contract period. The remuneration only applies to payments actually made. Refunds to advertising customers, for example due to a cancellation of advertisements, will be deducted from the basis for remuneration - in the accounting period of their entry.
  18. 6.2.Billing and payment of the remuneration: The remuneration is billed and paid by us to the Affiliate on a monthly basis, within 30 days of the end of the respective month.

    The invoice will be sent to the Affiliate by e-mail. Amounts below 100 Euro (excl. VAT) can be billed together with the amount of the following month in which - together with the month(s) not yet billed by then - an amount of at least 100 Euro (excl. VAT) is reached.
  19. 6.3.Small business status according to § 19 UStG: If the Affiliate is not subject to turnover tax as a small business in accordance with § 19 UStG or for other reasons, the Affiliate shall inform us of this in good time in text form.
  20. 6.4.Business registration, taxes: It is pointed out that for the contractual activity of the Affiliate, the registration of a trade is generally required and the income of the Affiliate is taxable. The Affiliate should inform himself carefully about this and, if necessary, seek advice from an expert (tax consultant, lawyer or similar).
  21. 7.Contract period
  22. 7.1.Unless otherwise agreed, the contract can be terminated by either party at any time with 90 days' notice. Advertisement placements with a term exceeding the date of termination of the contract are then no longer possible.
  23. 7.2.The obligation to settle commission claims arising during the contract term in due time shall remain unaffected by the termination of the contract.
  24. 8.Locking the job board(s)
  25. 8.1.We are permitted to immediately block the job board(s) under an Affiliate's subdomain if there are indications that the Affiliate's website linking to the job board(s) is illegal or violates the rights of third parties. For these purposes, an indication of illegality or infringement of rights shall be deemed to exist, inter alia, if third parties take action, of whatever nature, against us or against you and base such action on allegations of illegality and/or infringement of rights. The block is to be lifted as soon as the suspicion of illegality and/or infringement of rights has been dispelled.
  26. 8.2.We will inform you immediately about a blocking of the job board(s) assigned to you and request you to clear the allegation within a reasonable period of time. If the deadline expires without result, we have the right to terminate the contract immediately.
  27. 9.Disclaimers and limitations of liability
  28. The following shall apply to any liability for damages on our part:
  29. 9.1.In the event of intent and gross negligence, also on the part of our vicarious agents, we shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions. The same applies to damages caused by negligence resulting from injury to life, body or health.
  30. 9.2.In the case of negligently caused material and financial damages, we shall only be liable in the event of a breach of an essential contractual obligation, but the amount of liability shall be limited to the damages foreseeable and typical for this type of contract at the time of conclusion of the contract; essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose compliance the contractual partner may regularly rely.
  31. 9.3.Any other liability on our part, irrespective of its legal basis, is excluded.
  32. 9.4.The exclusions and limitations of liability in the above paragraphs (1) to (3) also apply analogously in favour of our vicarious agents.
  33. 9.5.Any liability due to the assumption of a guarantee or under the Product Liability Act shall remain unaffected by the exclusions and limitations of liability in the above paragraphs (1) to (4).
  34. 10.Applicable law, place of jurisdiction
  35. 10.1.The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
  36. 10.2.The place of jurisdiction for dealings with merchants, legal entities under public law or special funds under public law is the registered office of our company. We are, however, entitled at our discretion to bring an action at the customer's registered office.